March 7th, 2024
IST-IAS team presents a roundtable on the South Caucasus at Istanbul University in March 2024
On 7 March 2024, IST-IAS organizes the first workshop on “Rivalry and cooperation in South Caucasus: prospects and challenges,” as part of the initiative that will lead to the publication of a special issue on the subject. IST-IAS fellows and Dr. Daria Isachenko, Turkey/CATS Association from the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) presented their initial findings. Cem Bico from Heinrich Böll Stiftung Türkiye also attends the meeting as an observer and guest.
The prospect of peace and co-existence, as well as challenges and opportunities, in the South Caucasus will be discussed in an in-depth way at the workshop. To this end, the workshop focuses on three sets of issues: a) fostering diplomatic, military, and political relations in the region and exploring opportunities for conflict resolution b) analyzing opportunities for cooperation among the regional countries in the fields of economy, energy, and logistics c) shining a spotlight on the common culture and history in the region.